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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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live. top stories tonight turkey reaffirms the syrian plane intercepted on route from moscow it was carrying russian made. for the departure airport in the russian capital insists there were no illegal cargo on board. with guns at the time got but it was put on the ground and those on board the plane tell r t they're threatened in humiliated by turkish authorities during a stop in ankara. another news yemeni security official working for the u.s. embassy is assassinated in the capital sanaa in the latest incident signaling al qaeda is on the rise in the region. and the bitter blow to struggling spain were
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staggering unemployment mounting debt and nationwide desperation leads to another great. hello a very good evening for me kevin owen if you just. around the world it's ten pm here in moscow this is r.t. and the breaking news we've been talking about that developing story turkey says the syria ban passenger plane that was forced to land in turkey last night was carrying russian made me nations the moscow airport though that dispatched the flight insists there was no illegal cargo on board anyway f. sixteen fighter jets intercepted that flight on its way from moscow to damascus at the time it was carrying thirty seven people lot of details coming through and can furnish us with the muse our correspondent across this story tom what exactly did the turkish prime minister erdogan have to say earlier the moment. turkish prime
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minister. said that military equipment and ammunition russian made was found on the syrian plane bound for the syrian defense ministry that contradicts. a statement of moscow that the any military equipment on the plane was not of russian origin moscow says that the documents of the plane were checked in moscow and were found to be all legal and present and correct however turkey says that it forced the plane to land because of an intelligence tip off. the first time russia has come under scoop scrutiny for its links to damascus though is it. it's not russia's supply to the syrian government have received a lot of criticism and scrutiny since the beginning of the uprising in syria the
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russian government is it pains to point out that its arms contracts with syria are very longstanding ones but they comply with international legal norms that it supplies only defensive weapons not for use against civilians it is still not clear what was inside those boxes taken off the plane whether it was some turkish government reports suggest communications equipment or miss our components or whether it was something else it is not clear as well who was responsible for that cargo. of accusations flying around every direction or today but back at turkey syria and russia saying that this plane was potentially endangered brother fact that those fighter jets were flying so close to it must be terrifying for the passengers on board looking at those fighter jets just outside their window what are they have been saying to r.t.
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. it has indeed been a very angry dispute today russia's say is that turkey's actions and danger to the safety of passengers turkey in its turn has said that it warned to the plane not to enter turkish airspace a warning that was. ignored witnesses inside the plane wants to turd landed at anchor a spoke of seeing the turkish security forces enter the plane come corfu the crew and begin their search one flight engineer that our team managed to talk to spoke of how in his view the turkish security services acted with excessive force. with origins told us they wanted to take all the boxes out we said that that was not a problem we just needed to see a warrant they said no first we will unload the boxes i insisted that we needed
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this year weren't they left and came back in an hour with ten armed soldiers they pointed their guns at the hands of those put us on the ground then they drove us back to the plane into vehicles. the to the plane was kept on the ground for eight hours before being released and continuing its journey to damascus minus that part of its cargo however the concerns are that this all feeds into the very tense situation between turkey and syria made especially tense with last week's artillery strikes across the border from both sides and that this may possibly contribute to push both of those two countries closer to war all right tom french spring so today with what we know there tonight let's get some more thoughts on it now and talk to an author and journalist afshin rattansi is be keeping a close eye on the developments on developments around syria right now i hope you
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can hear me tonight good to see you. thanks for being on the line now in june u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton accused moscow of delivering attack weapons to syria but then backtracked on allegations while washington and its allies so came to a key. is russia or of a legally supplying arms to syrian forces do you think well as. a long standing arms contracts with syria surprises me that the syrian government doesn't have enough radios or equipment they have quite a large army there in the middle east this is this is terrible in terms of turkish sovereignty in a sense because this intelligence tip off as you russia just reported talked about this is washington telling prime minister do one who says he's so independent to go in and go for it down the use the f. sixteen s. at the same time the americans are putting a hundred fifty troops on the syrian border is president obama won that war and why
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is the prime minister early one doing america's bidding like some sort of new colonial. you know colony it's it's it isn't just let's talk about this plane and what could have or could not have been on board it we had what they're doing now to say earlier on now an official from the russian arms export company said today i've got the quote here as well read out there were not and could not have been any weapons or systems or when a tree hardware equipment onboard that passenger plane went on to say if it had been necessary to ship any military hardware or weapons to syria this would have been done through the established procedure rather than in an illegal way that's what ross perot an export of said i believe it's that company that does that sit with what everyone said today it's complete diametric of it isn't it. well exactly i mean it seems an absurd way of sending arms to syria on a passenger a three twenty am bus i mean this is not the way it works is washington
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playing to one as a slave to one as a nato member doing whatever washington tells them you know whether president obama wants some kind of war some people saying it's about gas pipelines but as for the actual equipment there are many other ways for the russians to get their arms into syria to support let's. a government that's fighting a mr. onslaught how ironic the american saying that they want to destroy al qaeda linked elements in afghanistan and at the same time trying to stop those forces against it in syria we're going on what you say and the russia is of course at odds with turkey and its allies over how the conflict in syria should be resolved and careen back fully fledged military action why do you think it's going to paint russia into a corner over syria. i think it's quite dangerous for the united states to be doing this specially as most of the world presumably takes. side in this we know there
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are resource geopolitical resource. that context of this is the south was gas field qatar is an enemy of the syrian government because of this new gas pipeline that was signed back i think in july of last year the fact that leon panetta resigned over for troops to go to the syrian jordanian border presumably they will be fighting russian weapons in any case if they start to move over the syrian border. emus to going to the saudis i understand but is due in damascus to do something but again it's about time i suppose if things get really ratcheted up for moscow and beijing to gently convene at the un security council because this is getting out of hand ok thanks for your thoughts now it's appreciated author and journalist afshin rattansi on the line from london to get to any other issues through what options been talking there wearing that turkey is apparently getting increasingly aggressive with syria of a cross border fire into its territory but now hearing on another of turkey's
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borders we're getting reports that turkish jets have bombed kurdish militant bases in northern iraq as a quick line here that is jets have bombed kurdish militants bases in iraq just literally come through in northern iraq since we get more we can flush that out for you want to course give you some more. just wanted to bring it to you quickly well we had that live flash up ok. sadly things are far from carmel's for the middle east as well in yemen a security official at the u.s. embassy also coordinated anti terror work with yemeni authorities been shot dead washington's increasingly acknowledging the rise of terror and the lack of security in the region a really good is got that side of it for r.t. . security official who was on his way to work to the u.s. embassy was shot dead in a drive by incident now the yemeni officials are saying that this particular incident has the fingerprints of al qaida all over it now many may seem to ask why is this still seem to be so powerful even after the death of its leader osama bin
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laden back in two thousand and eleven a lot of very small terrorist organizations which existed in knowledge just in the middle east but also of course in pakistan and afghanistan in the northern africa region the so-called islamic magreb all of these organizations are now trying to latch on to and they want to be filled with this large very well known terrorist organization and they are continuing their operations on the ground in these countries in a very vast area just recently u.s. military official who was working as the head of the military security team in libya has said that it's unfortunately is alive and well and very much kicking in the country and he did say that unfortunately after the. qaddafi things have just gotten worse now a lot of analysts are saying that this seems to be the habit that united states has gotten into they are aligning themselves with the rebel fighters in various
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countries which are trying to depose all of these so-called dictatorships this was the case in libya of course this was the case in yemen unfortunately a lot of times the u.s. seems to disregard any voices of concern that a lot of these rebel fighters who are fighting against the regime actually are fighting alongside with al qaida members unfortunately once the u.s. does not. officials disregard these warnings they find themselves in hot water like they did in libya where u.s. ambassador was killed in what is now confirmed as an al qaeda attack specific late on a u.s. officials. almost young that's the group. spain's credit rating coming from the influential agency standard and poor's in the latest blow to the cash strapped economy s. and p. downgraded madrid's debt schoolboy to not choose citing several reasons for it spain's unemployment has more than doubled in recent years the debt keeps piling up but output fawley sending the country from eight thirteenth place in the global
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rankings the good recently announced a slew of new cuts and tax hikes in a bid to try to cut the deficit he spoke to spanish journalist we go home though he told us during years of economic woes the e.u. has been failing to offer an effective remedy to madrid. the problem is political is not is not good commie of course the economy doesn't look very good but the problem in europe is the european union doesn't work as an actual political union and the seize the patches that the european union can offer instead all for well doing some soul searching and trying to think how to make these mechanism work and i by mechanism i mean the european union we behave us different countries which yes of course we are part of the same currency but dr saul we look for ourselves and i think it's not where they are not offering real solutions just well remedies
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to. kick the can down the road as they say. the stairs he's now a dirty word among britain's ladies it seems but even though the terminology is changing the no pay to go game formula stage in full swing although not everyone's convinced that works as we hear later plus. reports suggest baghdad wants to kick out exxon mobile from the super giant westcott no one will project and potentially offer the place to russian companies more on this and other stories after a short break on. a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the long ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it
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takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious telly cation. bank savings to become and has cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get a musical company. they can remember sound sequences you know they want to the sound signals the streets the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just a fun thing but these meadows didn't come naturally the current decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin on the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops fund their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of alarm has always been religious the main
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ministries surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks here know their existence is a little different from that of other ministries here we are out of the way and we do have. bill creams and song times tourists as well but only. tranquility use is hardly. the. combination of high religion and down to earth hard work the motivates these men. wealthy british style. that's not on.
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the. market weiner scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. download the official application to self choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from our touch ballot. he is not required to watch r.t. all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time. hello this is r.t. international britain's prime minister insists he'll hold firm on further austerity
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there's bad news then for him and expecting him to loosen up on that in the future because the army have smalling that the u.k. will miss its deficit targets this year we spotted nigel farage she is leader of the u.k. independence party he says david cameron's policies are not bringing any meaningful change though to the recession ravaged economy there. you know when david cameron talks about austerity what he fails to tell you is that we continue every year to run a massive budget deficit and by the end of his five years as prime minister but national debt in the u.k. will increase by forty percent so i think we're having an entirely false debate david cameron is calling the british public into thinking that he's actually really cutting back at the levels of debt in our country and it's not true i think that the david cameron and george osborne combination. put together a coalition telling us they were going to deal with debt in this country they have absolutely failed to do so they haven't dealt with the deficit they haven't got growth coming back into the british economy i don't think the thing is
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a dramatic failure unless things turn around but i think the conservative party is in for a really terrible result in twenty fifteen at the next general election couple top news stories in brief no tonight u.s. drone strikes in northwest pakistan have killed at least sixteen suspected militants four missiles were fired on a compound in an area bordering afghanistan there that attack comes days after a massive protest against american drone strikes in pakistan some estimates say the strategy is responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths. over eight thousand troops and thirty nine ships have taken part in japan's try and you will fleet review destroyers vessels and submarines. lined the sea with. two japan's military is one of the largest and best equipped in the world but its role was constitutionally limited at the end of the second world war tokyo is currently brought in a standoff with beijing in taiwan over disputed mineral rich islands in the east china sea which they all claim as their own.
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financial pressure on iran over its alleged nuclear activities is growing as the us president signed an executive order to impose yet more sanctions the country's oil industry already under a virtual state of a bargo it's a rainy in gas exports and fresh american penalties are targeting now general policy director for the national radio american council thinks it's not just to read him in richmond but the iranian government of the whole that's the real target here. as this administration has appeared to annex ancient's every three weeks you have new sanctions coming online you do have a small number of lawmakers a growing number of lawmakers and pundits on the outside who are starting to come clean and say actually this is great when we see that ordinary people are suffering in iran when we see the currency devaluation that's hurting the middle class and the reason they say this is great is because the same friends are designed to address the nuclear issue sanctions are designed to topple the iranian government and they think that. toppling the iranian government starts with engineering suffering among the people and that somehow the u.s.
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is going to convince people to basically you know take up arms or rise up against the government because of these sanctions. iran's nuclear ambitions and ways to deal with them of becoming a point of contention between the u.s. and israel with the washington trying to rein in the jewish state's military rhetoric reports that why that division is now become. over the years israeli leaders have been very careful in expressing their stance towards american politics until now with us elections less than a month away israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made no bones about who he favors and it is not barack obama has basically been pushing obama in the united states around. pushing that not that forcing america to do anything that america doesn't want to do but forcing america to accept to shut up in the face of netanyahu is what netanyahu as we would job obviously does not like and netanyahu
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has done that as well to do that because he knows that there is such that the republicans are totally behind him netanyahu has had very public spats with the obama administration the most recent of which was sparked by his demand that the u.s. sit out red lines for iran which if crossed would bring military action so far washington's refused prompting a tongue lashing from netanyahu. who. was. gone the. wrong way it is already working. at a recent united nations session netanyahu went further he produced the now famous bomb diagram while drawing a red line. american strength not of her a g.'s his outburst appears in an anti obama advertisement that will be broadcast on u.s. networks paid for by an organization called secure america now what it's come down
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to now in america is if american politician criticizes israel that translates into support for quote unquote terrorism traditionally israeli leaders have relied on board bipartisan support in the united states but netanyahu has had a rocky relationship with obama from the start and is ready to take sides with the prime minister he is a republican and he's aboard the. and sol netanyahu also seems convinced republican contender mitt romney will take a hard line on iran but netanyahu is perceived strategy looks risky to israelis who feel they were alliance with the u.s. could be in trouble if the incumbent wins especially when it comes to recognizing a palestinian state i think it will come back through the u.n. if the vote on the recall commission and i think the reverse the miracle river will be that they will not work against it as they worked last year.
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the result will be you really think. surveys show that israelis are more worried about losing this strategic alliance with the united states than they are of war with iran however few observers believe there is a real threat of u.s. israeli relations becoming seriously damaged but it is highly likely that the abominate on yahoo relationship will become even more strained should both leaders be reelected. if this strike again italy's leaders have been showing the mafia who's boss reporting on the tonight powerful backroom fred is different on one city council in the south we're talking about ballots being dissolved by the government because of its corrupt connection governor paul on one when we talk about that odd thing. also tonight telling you to buy the eye in the sky that said to do go drugs russian scientists are now planning to use satellites to pinpoint the elusive narcotics for.
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we appreciate you watching us here or to your connection after a short break dimitris here with the business news of more details on the big oil shuffle in iraq today. it always amazes me the lengths that people go to for things that are pointless people camped out for a week waiting for a new i phone that will be archaic by next year when the next one comes out every black friday many but thankfully not all americans celebrate this holiest of shopping days by waiting outside of a wal-mart in the early morning to fight over trendy plastic gifts for their children that they're too young to appreciate hey even i'm willing to sometimes
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wake up early in the morning to drive downtown and pay twenty five bucks for parking to watch a football game on rare occasions but just imagine a world where we actually were willing to wake up early and stand a big crowd for something say more important than some stupid gizmo or the sake of our favorite sports team just imagine iraq and that world would be yet maybe standing around some protester collecting signatures won't do anything we can't be naive enough to think that big corporations will bow to ten people with signs bought spending days worshiping at the altar of the i phone it's certainly won't improve your country but that's just my opinion.
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even in the autumn of the years. it's never too late to start. triage stream paragliding. when a bar a lifting championship. or become a part of. the old. guitar sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.
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news. i am. going to. welcome to the business update with me dimitri medvedev and now according to media reports iraq wants to kick exxon mobil out of a major oil field called the west. and replace it with washing companies.
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put it seems that exxon mobil has incurred the wrath of baghdad doing a series of deals with the separatists because in the north of the country nearly a decade on from the u.s. in led invasion of iraq the government is getting its independence and is about to boot america's biggest oil from the. oil project there are a number of other western oil firms also working in iraq chevron and total for example but they've also done deals with the cuts in the north and this means they should also be excluded from the project and that pretty much leaves the russians the big question there is which russian company already has interests in iraq is developing the west cut it to field at a cost of several billions of dollars it says it does know what wish to increase its exposure gazprom the aft like some of the other foreign companies also doing deals in the north so really that just leaves rose has made no comment but of course russia's biggest state run.


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